Fido and Fireworks

Fido and Fireworks

June 30, 2016
Fidos and Fireworks

Like lightening and thunder, fireworks can send a rather calm pup into chaos with added stress and anxiety. These loud explosions, which come unexpectedly to our canine friends, may be exciting to watch and hear to us humans, but dogs and fireworks are like oil and water… they just don’t mix. With July 4th rapidly approaching, these sound tips from The Canine Journal will help you understand what Fido is really experiencing during this festive, patriotic day.

Why are Dogs Scared of Fireworks?

It’s normal for loud noises to startle us and the same goes for dogs. Fireworks are loud, and when they explode the sound triggers dogs’ nervous systems which in turn makes them feel afraid. If your dog runs away when fireworks go off it’s because of natural instinct. They are trying to survive. It’s not like any other noise they’ve heard before and they don’t understand where it’s coming from, so their first instinct is to find protection far away from the loud noise.

How to Calm a Dog During Fireworks

There are a few options for you to help calm your pooch.

  1.        If you’re at home, create a safe environment for your dog during the fireworks. Perhaps in her crate with a chew toy. You could even play some music in the background.
  2.        If you’re somewhere else, give her a treat or her favorite toy during the fireworks. This will make her feel happy and may take some of the attention off of the loud noise.
  3.        Stay calm yourself. If you freak out, so will your dog. If your pup begins to go crazy during fireworks try to stay calm and soothe her. Perhaps you can pick her up and hold her tight. This can help her feel more safe and secure.
  4.        Purchase a Thundershirt. A Thundershirt applies pressure to the dog since it is wrapped tightly around her. This gives her the sense of being secure. Have your dog wear a Thundershirt during fireworks — this should help with the anxiety.
  5.        Try an essential oil anxiety remedy to counteract the scary combination of fireworks and dogs.
  6.        Medicate your pup. If there is absolutely no other alternative, and the fireworks cannot be avoided (maybe you live close to a venue that regularly has fireworks), then you may talk to your vet about prescribing anti-anxiety medication for your dog to take before the fireworks begin.

 Brought to you by The Canine Journal: